10 | 3/29/2022 | La Tierrra Prometida (The Promised Land) | In the midst of a battle between Margaret and his own kids, Joe makes a shocking realization. Meanwhile in the past, Joe finally finds a way to defeat Honeycroft, and Lettie makes a tough decision |
9 | 3/22/2022 | La Cosecha (The Harvest) | It’s harvest time and Joe finds himself in a standoff with the labor union, while Mateo and Carmen scramble to pick from the harvest for their labels. Veronica and Antonio weigh offers from Margaret, and Lettie makes a major decision. Young Joe strikes a deal on behalf of his fellow workers |
8 | 3/15/2022 | La Verdad Te Hara Libre (The Truth Will Set You Free) | Joe’s determination to investigate a murder scares Lettie, and Antonio makes a shocking realization. Meanwhile in the past, Marta helps Lettie and Margaret cover up a secret |
7 | 3/8/2022 | El Mejor de los Tiempos (The Best of Times) | Veronica and Joe enter a tough labor contract negotiation with the new labor union lawyer. Carmen teams up with a powerful publicist to throw a tasting event, and Antonio learns more about Joe’s past. Young Lettie and young Margaret find themselves forever bonded by a traumatic event . |
6 | 3/1/2022 | El Cuchicheo (The Whispering) | Joe’s award ceremony is interrupted, and Mateo makes an important decision. Meanwhile in the past, Billy and Lettie try to keep their relationship a secret. |
5 | 2/21/2022 | Los Rivales (Rivals) | Joe reluctantly accepts Father Ramos’ help. Lettie spends the day with Daniela, while Mateo finds an unexpected business partner in Carmen. Veronica uncovers more about Michael. Young Joe and Billy encounter a visitor from their past |
4 | 2/14/2022 | El Regalo (The Gift) | Father Ramos’ return to Sonoma makes waves throughout the Sandoval family, while Lettie and Joe hit a rough patch. Margaret is excited to be invited to Carmen’s 25th birthday party much to everyone else’s dismay. Young Lettie, Joe and Billy leave town on an important mission. |
3 | 2/7/2022 | La Lucha (The Struggle) | Margaret has an offer for Carmen. Meanwhile, Joe hires a new general manager, and Veronica is put in a tricky situation. |
2 | 1/31/2022 | La Madrugada (Day Break) | Joe faces different challenges as Mateo threatens to expose his past while Margaret conspires to obstruct his future. Carmen supports Veronica in a time of need, and Lettie is no longer able to ignore Junior’s misbehavior. Meanwhile, Carlos, Juana and Billy find time for a little fun while adjusting to their new lives. |
1 | 1/24/2022 | A Place Called Heritage | Alliances and loyalties are tested as Joe Sandoval assesses the future of his family-run Sonoma Valley wine business. Just a few hundred miles south but a world away, Carlos Rincón and sisters Juana and Rosa Sánchez cross the U.S. border from Mexico in search of a better life. |