TV Recap: “Will Trent” Channels James Bond at a Wedding

Will Trent returned after a three-week break with “Have You Never Been to a Wedding?” Will accompanies Faith to the wedding of a friend, but the happy affair quickly sours when the venue is overrun by thieves. Here’s everything that happened in this latest episdoe.

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

Season 2, Episode 7: “Have You Never Been to a Wedding?” – Written by Liz Sheldon & Adam Toltzis

The Belvoir Estate is getting ready for a wedding. An employee hears noises in the cellar and goes down to check it out. A shot fires from off camera, and he falls down dead.

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

Will Trent (Ramón Rodríguez) stands at a mirror in his living room, his tailor Brian (Jim Braswell) making final alterations to a white tuxedo. Faith Mitchell (Iantha Richardson) is anxiously waiting for him on the couch, all dressed up for the wedding of an old friend who is now an investment banker who looks down on Faith’s profession. “You look like James Bond,” Faith comments on Will’s attire. “Names Trent, Will Trent,” he parodies in the mirror. Will says he just needs to grab his gun, but Faith tells him they’re not allowed to bring them. Before they step out, Nico (Cora Lu Tran) insists on taking a prom-style photo of Will and Faith.

Cut to the wedding reception at the Belvoir Estate. Faith’s son, Jeremy (Deion Smith), is part of the wedding party and is practicing his toast speech. Danielle (Malinda Logan) tries to cause drama for Faith by letting it slip that Jeremy dropped out of college to take a job as a recording engineer. Will tries to defuse the situation, taking Faith to the bar to order a drink. The bartender, Christian (John Chiangir), is flirtatious with Faith. Will continues to lean into his James Bond esthetic, inventing an alias – Ricky Morales, an expensive criminal defense attorney. One of the people they meet at the bar is Patty (Candy McLellan), who uses an inhaler. When someone bumps into Faith, her drink spills on her dress. Will takes her upstairs to clean it off.

Two teenagers, Colin (Blaike Lewis) and Andre (Brody Rose), steal a bottle of wine and sneak down to the cellar to drink it unseen. But their party is over before it begins when they stumble across a dead body. Jeremy followed them down, and they all find themselves held at gunpoint by robbers trying to break into a safe.

Will tries to cheer Faith up from outside the second-floor bathroom. When they hear gunshots, Will goes to the balcony to look down. Masked criminals have taken the entire reception hostage. Nobody’s phones have service. Will sees Jeremy among the crowd and tells Faith what’s happening. But Will isn’t sly enough, getting seen and forced to head down to the first level with his hands up to join the other hostages.

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

Will huddles with Jeremy, Colin, and Andre. As the captors move through the crowd stealing valuables, Will has a flashback to his traumatic past in a foster home. Paul (Chad Darnell), the wedding planner, tries to make a run for it and gets shot down dead. “What are we going to tell Dominique?” one of the robbers, Trae (Joseph Castillo-Midyett), asks Mookie (Austin Alexander) as Spud (Hannah Rae Aslesen) takes Paul’s folder, which has a list of every wedding guest in attendance. Dominique (Phrederic Semaj) enters the room dressed as a cook while the other crooks are dressed as waiters.

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

Patty notices that Will seems calm and tells him she’s a volunteer firefighter. She asks if he has a plan. Will doesn’t answer her directly, but he does have a plan. Rising with his hands up, he asks the robbers if they can move the dead body for the comfort of the other hostages. “Pick a friend, Trey will show you where to go,” Dominique instructs. Will picks Jeremy. Spud has done a headcount based on the wedding planner’s folio and informs Dominique that there’s a guest missing. He sends her upstairs to do a search.

Upstairs, Faith has taken off her heels to move more quietly. She hears Spud coming and hides in a room where all of the wedding gifts are stored. Faith looks through the presents. The first one she opens is a Roomba, which she thinks is useless. She finds a box of decorative marbles and puts them in a sock. Christian, the bartender, walks in, asking what she’s doing there. “I’m looking for something to open a window. My son is downstairs and…” Before Faith can finish, Christian’s radio goes off. Dominique asks Spud if she’s found the missing guest yet. Faith uses the sock full of marbles to defend herself as she and Christian fight. He overpowers her on the table, but she reaches behind her and finds a box of skewers, using one to stab him repeatedly. She kills him. Sitting on the ground, she sees a blinking light under a tablecloth… a fax machine.

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

Trey leads Will and Jeremy to the kitchen, where they place Paul’s body. Dominique overheard Will earlier telling guests that his name is Ricky Morales, a defense attorney whose valuable time is billed in six-minute increments. He grabs a kitchen timer and sets it for three minutes, time enough for Will to explain why he should remain alive. Will points out that Dominique doesn’t have enough control of his team and that the cellphone jammer won’t buy him enough time to clean up this mess. He says they should quickly steal what they can and get out. “Is it a vault or a safe?” Will asks, soon realizing the thieves don’t know the difference. “The situation isn’t as bad as you think,” Will says, explaining how he could get their case dismissed. Will says in exchange for his help, they can’t let any other hostages die. They shake on it.

Faith uses wedding gifts to create a bandolier full of knives and skewers. “I am Woman King of Williams Sonoma, and I’m going to save this wedding,” she jokes to herself. She tries to write a message on a piece of paper to fax, but the only pen in the room isn’t working. “Christian, we’re ready for you,” Dominique calls on the radio. Faith tries to hide his body before sneaking to the balcony and looking down. She gets Jeremy’s attention and silently mimics her need for a pen. He has one but is nervous to throw it up to her. He had every reason to be, as it just missed its destination and fell to the floor, making a sound. Thankfully, it goes unnoticed by the robbers as Spud calls on the radio that she found Christian’s body. Dominique begins to panic, Christian was their safe cracker. Jeremy motions for Will to come over, telling him that his mom needs a pen. Will goes to Patty, whom he saw use an inhaler earlier, asking if he can borrow it. He asks her to fake an asthma attack. Will tells Dominique that he needs to go upstairs to grab it and will be right back. The crooks don’t trust him, but when he offers for one of them to join him, they seem appeased.

Faith leads Will into the gift room. She tells him of her plans to fax the APD. Will tells her she killed the safecrackers. She’s worried the robbers will hurt Jeremy if they find out who she really is. Will heads back downstairs with the inhaler.

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

It’s a painfully slow day at the APD. Despite all of the officers sitting around bored, nobody seems to notice the seldom-used fax machine come to life as it receives a message. The tray is pushed in, so the printed paper falls to the floor and slides under the desk.

Angie Polaski (Erika Christensen) and Michael Ormewood (Jake McLaughlin) went to the diner where Crystal (Chapel Oaks) works to do their paperwork. Crystal arrives late for her shift, blaming it on a school paper on Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. Michael sees Crystal shift her hair to hide a hickey on her neck. When she steps away, he tells Angie he thinks Crystal is lying, adding that his son Max is reading that same book right now in high school. Angie gets annoyed at this, and Michael goes home, but she can’t get his words out of her head. She decides to intervene when she sees Crystal flirting with a customer and writing something on his receipt. “She is seventeen, don’t even think about it,” she tells Matthew Zuk (Todd Fayzell), who swears he didn’t do anything wrong. Crystal says she flirts with guys for better tips, showing her the $20 bill Matthew gave her. Angie asks what she wrote on his receipt. It was a smiley face with hearts for eyes.

Spud continues to search upstairs for Faith, who finds a curling iron in one of the gift boxes and plugs it in to heat up. Faith has Christian’s radio, so she hears when Spud reveals that she found a purse hidden in the bathroom, which contains a GBI badge for Faith Mitchell. Faith uses her phone to play the “Cha Cha Slide” over the channel, blocking it from use. Faith goes to confront Spud with the curling iron, which is effective. But during the altercation, Faith gets a knife wound to her right arm. She flees, leaving Spud alive.

As the music plays on the first floor, Will convinces Dominique to cut his losses and abandon the heist. He agrees. Furious, Trey shoots Dominique in the side of the head, and he collapses. “We’re finishing the job, is that clear?” Trey orders, taking Will and Colin down to the cellar. Will asks them not to hurt the kid as he works on opening the safe, likening its inner mechanisms to the gears of a car engine.

Spud finds Faith’s phone with Christian’s radio. Faith’s lock screen is a picture of Jeremy, and Spud instantly recognizes him. She rushes down and holds Jeremy at gunpoint, calling for Faith to surrender or her son dies. Faith comes downstairs with her hands up. “Get your hands off my son,” Faith demands.

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

Captain Heller (Todd Allen Durkin) found Faith’s fax just in time, contacting Amanda Wagner (Sonja Sohn). The Belvoir Estate is surrounded as quickly as possible. Amanda and Angie have a disagreement about the best way to sneak in without causing any deaths. Franklin (Kevin Daniels) helps Angie convince Amanda that breaking in is worth the risk to save Will and Faith.

Faith and Jeremy have been locked in a wine cage. Faith uses a corn cob holder to try and pick the lock. She gives him a small remote with a button, asking him to press it if things get really bad. He asks what it’s for. “I hope you don’t have to find out,” she responds.

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

(Disney/Daniel Delgado Jr.)

Will informs the captors that he will stop cracking the safe if they hurt Faith. He’s almost through but needs to use a drill to get through the secondary safe, which could lock up if he does this wrong. They hear the gears shifting inside, indicating that Will did it wrong. Trey tells Spud to kill Faith.

As Spud heads towards the wine cage with her gun, Jeremy presses the button. It activates a Roomba in the hall, and the sudden noise causes one of the crooks to shoot at it. The shot distracts Spud long enough for Faith to reveal she unlocked the cage, knocking the door into Spud and sending her to the ground.

Will begs Trey not to kill Colin. It triggers another flashback to Will’s foster home days. His twelve-year-old self (Isaac Dodds) begged his foster dad, Sleeveless Jack (Randy Spence), not to hurt their foster mom (Michaela Cronan). He didn’t listen. Will is brought back to the present as Michael Ormwood bursts into the cellar, shooting. Trey turns around, and Will drills into his captor’s back. As Trey is arrested, Will tries to comfort Colin, who is having a panic attack.

Afterward, Will and Faith recuperate in his office back at the GBI. Amanda enters, asking how they’re both doing. Amanda asks how they’re both doing, and they each have the same response – “We got the bad guys.” Amanda reveals that The Belvoir Estate was run by a shell company for a narcotics kingpin and that the safe was full of cocaine. A warrant is out for his arrest. “No more weddings,” Will tells Faith, who gets up to go have pancakes with her son. On her way out, she invites Amanda over this weekend, their feud seemingly over. Angie pokes her head in, asking Will if he’s ready to go home. She’s not going to let him be alone after what he just went through.

Over pancakes, Faith releases her disappointment in Jeremy for leaving school. The recording studio job he took comes with benefits, and he’s networking with a lot of people who can help his career. She can see how excited he is, and he promises to make her proud of him.

In Will’s living room, Faith turns the couch into a bed. He says she doesn’t have to stay there, but she sees his hand shaking and says she does, taking it in hers. He tells her the situation made him feel like he was back in a dangerous foster home and tells her how close he was to watching a teen get murdered. Angie reminds Will that he saved the boy’s life and now his friend is there to keep him safe. Will is upset with himself for messing up the lock on the safe. “I’d never see you again and that would kill me twice,” Will cries. In this moment, neither can remember why they broke out. They begin to make out. Betty barks at them.

Will Trent returns next Tuesday, May 7th, at 8/7c on ABC with “Why Is Jack’s Arm Bleeding.”

After discovering the body of a missing girl 13 years later, Will and Faith reopen the case leading to Will experiencing frequent flashbacks as they uncover the truth. Meanwhile, Angie and Ormewood investigate the death of a veteran.

Songs Featured in This Episode:

  • “Casper Slide, Pt. 2 (20th Anniversary Edition” by Mr. C

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Alex Reif
Alex joined the Laughing Place team in 2014 and has been a lifelong Disney fan. His main beats for LP are Disney-branded movies, TV shows, books, music and toys. He recently became a member of the Television Critics Association (TCA).