Atmosphere Music at the Theme Parks, - Disney World, Disneyland and More

Atmosphere Music at the Theme Parks
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In the early 90s, Disneyland took an idea from Walt Disney World and added the Magic Kingdom Korps. For all of you Epcot fans, they are very similar to the Future Corps. This 12 member Drum and Bugle Corps, playing on actual G bugles, played the Tomorrowland scene from 1992 - 1999. This group of musicians was very instrumental in bringing big crowds to watch atmosphere talent groups. They performed intricate drills and played incredible music. Their antics were legendary and musical skills second to none.

In 1999, the Magic Kingdom Korps embarked on a unique stage production in the Tomorrowland Terrace Stage. This 15-minute show featured all sections of the ensemble and was a delight to the ears. Did I mention they played LOUD? It was the sounds of a full Drum and Bugle Corps mixed with the sounds of a Big Band. Unfortunately, their musicians never put out a CD. When the end came for this group, Disney took them all out to dinner and gave them all jackets, a great send off for a great group.

An offshoot of the Magic Kingdom Korps has been the delightful and funny Trash Can Trio. Tom Float, who was writing for the Magic Kingdom Korps, created the Trash Can Trio. His idea was to dress up some drummers as Custodial Cast Members. The group joins together on their “break” and begin to start drumming on their trashcans and then go all out utilizing spray bottles, dustpans, and anything else they can find to bang on. The group is a crowd favorite and has been copied at every other Disney theme park under the name the JAMMitors.

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Trash Can Trio

Another staple of the Disneyland atmosphere talent groups was the influx of guest groups during special park promotions. During, the 35th anniversary, The Loyal Order of Armadillo, plagued the streets of Disneyland with its outlandish musical repertoire. Often they not only make fun of themselves, but they made fun of the guests as well, ultimately welcoming them into the loyal order.

In a mystical world such as Disneyland, the music is so important to the area. Fantasyland would not be the same if How The West Was Won being played in the area. It is the same effect with the atmosphere groups. The Make Believe Brass never played in Tomorrowland. The Magic Kingdom Korps never played in Critter Country. The mixing of sounds uncharacteristic to a certain land would be catastrophic. This attention to detail, a Disney specialty, is what sets the sights and sounds apart when travelling through the Disney theme park.

The next time you walk through a Disney theme park, make sure you open your ears as well as your eyes. Always be aware that live music may be lurking around that next corner and you may actually enjoy it! I hope your next adventure to the park will be memorable and you will enjoy the aural excitement from Disney Atmosphere Talent Groups.

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The Royal Street Bachelors
Another long-standing group

-- Posted December 17, 1999
-- Story by James Hensley
-- Pictures by James Hensley and Doobie Moseley

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